Are Alimony and Maintenance same? क्या गुजारा भत्ता और भरण-पोषण एक ही है? I کیا خرچہ اور دیکھ بھال ایک جیسی ہے؟

As per the Cambridge Dictionary, Alimony is a regular amount of money that a court of law orders a person to pay to his or her partner after divorce, whereas Maintenance is the money that a person must pay regularly by law in order to support his wife , child or parents.


 As per the Cambridge Dictionary, Alimony is a regular amount of money that a law court orders a person to pay to his or her partner after divorce, whereas Maintenance is the money that a person must pay regularly by law in order to support his wife , child or parents.

The term Alimony is derived from the Latin term Alimonia, which means sustenance, whereas the term Maintenance is derived from the old French verb Maintenir, which means shelter, protection.

     In general language, Alimony and Maintenance are synonymous to each other and are used in different names in different places, and is a financial arrangement by which a partner provides financial support to other partner either in onetime payment or regular payment.  

    Under the Indian Law, Alimony is onetime payment made to the spouse who is unable to maintain herself/himself and it can be paid in lump sum in cash or any other kind of payment method, even in the form of property.

    Whereas, Maintenance is the periodic financial support to the spouse who is unable to maintain herself/himself. It means Maintenance can be paid monthly, annually or as directed by the Court of law, but it cannot be paid in the form of property.  

    Generally, Alimony or Maintenance is provided if a spouse does not have adequate means to take care of the basic needs of life, and usually provided by the husband to wife. 

Types of Alimony or Maintenance

There are three types of Alimony or Maintenance

👉Lump sum Alimony or Maintenance
👉Interim or temporary Alimony or Maintenance
👉Permanent Alimony or Maintenance 

Lump sum Alimony or Maintenance

    It is a one-time allowance given by one spouse to other, and generally paid after the divorce is finalized, and mostly it is paid at the time of granting mutual consent divorce. 

Interim or temporary Alimony or Maintenance

    It is given for a certain period and generally for the period of proceedings of maintenance petition.

Permanent Alimony or Maintenance

    It is granted after the conclusion of maintenance petition or proceedings for lifetime of the spouse or till the time the other spouse gets remarried.

Calculation of Alimony or Maintenance

    There is no fixed formula for calculating the Alimony or Maintenance. However as per Supreme Court if it is paid on monthly basis then it should be 25% of the husband’s net monthly salary, and for one –time settlement, the amount usually ranges between 1/5th to 1/3rd of the husband’s net worth.


In India, if one –time payment is made by one spouse to other, who is unable to maintain himself /herself is considered as Alimony.  

If payment is made monthly, periodically or annually or the period fixed by the Court, then it is considered as Maintenance.

Alimony may be paid to the spouse in lump sum in Cash or in the form of property, whereas Maintenance is only paid in the form of cash and it cannot be paid in the form of property.

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