Is Live-in Relationship Legal in India? क्या भारत में लिव-इन रिलेशनशिप वैध है? I کیا ہندوستان میں لیو ان ریلیشن شپ جائز ہے؟

A Live-in Relationship is a continuous cohabitation between an adult male and an adult female without marriage, where they agreed to live together as husband and wife. 

This relationship comes under the Right to live with liberty and if continues for a long period then the couple considered as legally married. 

There is no legal definition of Live-in Relationship in Indian Law. However the Supreme Court of India, in the matter of D.Velusamy Versus D.Patchaiammal (2010) 10 SCC 469, declared certain conditions:

They must be of legal age of marriage

They must hold themselves out to society as being akin to spouses.

They must be otherwise qualified to enter into a legal marriage, including being unmarried.

They must have voluntarily cohabited and held themselves out to the world as being akin to spouses for a significant period of time.

In simple language we can understand that for living in Live-in Relationship, the couple should be an adult, living under one roof, maintaining sexual relations, sharing household and should live together continuously for a reasonable period of time and merely spending weekends together or a one night stand will not considered a domestic relationship. 

If a man has a “Keep” whom he maintains financially and uses mainly for sexual purpose and/or a servant, then it would not be a relationship in the nature of marriage.


Is Live-in Relationship is Legal in India?

In India, where Marriages are considered as a holy union, the concept of Live –in Relationship is mostly not accepted by the society, but in the eye of Law, it is neither an offense nor a sin. 

Supreme Court of India through its judgments in various matters declared that when a man and a woman in love live together is a part of the right to life and not a criminal offence, and further live-in relationship is legal in India. Some of the landmark judgments to prove that the Live-in Relationships are legal in India are given below: 

The Supreme Court of India, in the matter of a well known actress, S.Khushboo Versus Kanniammal & Another (2010) 5 SCC 600, held that Live- in Relationships are permissible and the act of two adults living together without marriage cannot be considered illegal or unlawful, and further said that , there is no law prohibiting Live –in Relationships or pre-marital sex, and living together is a right to live under the Article 21 of the Constitution of India. 

The Supreme Court of India in the case of Lata Singh Versus The State of U.P. & Another, (2006) 5 SCC 475 held that, Any person who has attained the age of marriage or the knowledge whatever is earlier, should have to Right to marry to a person of his /her choice, and a Live –in Relationship between two consenting adults did not amount to any offense. 

The Supreme Court of India also in the matter of SPS Balasubramanian Versus Suruttayan observed that, If a man and woman have lived together for a long period then the law will presume them to be legally married unless the contrary is proved, and further held that children born out of such a relationship would be entitled to inheritance in the property of the parents but if such relationship is only for sexual purposes then the partner cannot claim the benefits of a legal marriage.


Legal Recognition of Live –in Relationship:

If a man and woman are living together for a long period of time and presenting themselves as husband and wife, then the woman in a live-in relationship can take protection under the provision of Domestic Violence Act, 2005, and can claim maintenance. 

The children born out of such Live-in Relationship can claim maintenance under Section 125 of the Criminal Procedure Code. 

Further, the Supreme Court of India on the recommendations of Malimath Committee, alter the meaning of wife after amending the Section 125 of the Criminal Procedure Code, and now if a woman has been living in a live –in relationship for a long period as husband and wife then she can claim maintenance under Section 125 CrPc also, if her male partner abandoned her. 

Further, Section 16 of the Hindu Marriage Act, 1855 granted inheritance right in the ancestral and self acquired property to the children born out of a Live-in Relationship. 

However, under Muslim Law, the child born out of Live-in Relationship has no right to inherit property from father , but has right to inherit the property of his/her mother and also the property of all other relations with whom he/she is related through the mother. 

Under the Christian Law, the child born out of Live-in Relationship neither inherits neither from the mother nor from the father. 

Supreme Court of India in the matter of Dhannulal & Others Versus Ganeshram & Another, AIR 2015 SC 2382 held that couples living in Live-in relationship will be presumed legally married, and the woman would be eligible to inherit the property after the death of her partner. 

In one another matter of Tulsa & Others Versus Durghatiya & Others, AIR 2008 SC 1193, Supreme Court of India held that the children born out of live-in relationships are not illegitimate, if their parents have cohabited with each other under one roof for a long period as husband and wife, and children having right over their parents property. 

 Hence, it is clear that Live-in Relationships is legal in India.

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