What to do if wife is threatening to commit Suicide ? अगर पत्नी सुसाइड करने की धमकी दे रही है तो क्या करें ? I اگر بیوی سوسائڈ کرنے کی دھمکی دے رہی ہے تو کیا کریں؟

What you will do, if your wife/live-in partner threatens you to commit Suicide or even attempt for suicide?

    Sometime, wife /live-in partner use Suicide as a tool to fulfill her unwanted needs and desires, and may be due to dowry demand by the husband or his family members.

Be alert, if your wife/live-in partner even try to commit suicide or after committing suicide, she leaves a suicide note , then you can be booked by the police under section 306 IPC for abetting her to commit suicide.

    Section 306 of IPC defines the abetment of suicide, if any person commits suicide, whoever abets the commission of such suicide, shall be punished with imprisonment which may extend upto 10 years and shall also be liable to fine.

    Further, if she does not leaves any suicide note , but there is also possibility that her family members in their statement give your name as the cause of her suicide and blame for dowry demand , then also you can be prosecuted under the Section 304B of  IPC( Dowry death).


Legal Solutions, if wife/ live-in partner threats for committing suicide:

👩If wife/ live-in partner threatening to commit suicide due to suffering from some diseases/medical stress  , then you should consult with the medical counselor and take medical reports for keeping as a record in need.

👩If her threats are due to some other reasons which she doesn’t want to disclose to you, then inform her parents and also make her attend counseling.

👩If she is using Suicide as a tool to fulfill her unwanted needs and appetency then after collecting the evidences, lodge a complaint as information to the police and higher police official after narrating that you are facing hardship as your wife/ live-in partner is having suicidal tendencies and usually threaten to commit suicide, and in case of happens you and your family members will not be responsible.  

There are many judgments where Court of law declared that a suicide note alone is not proof enough to charge someone with abetting a suicide. Some of the judgments are given below:

    Bombay High Court in the matter of Gulab Versus The State of Maharashtra & others, Criminal Writ Petition No.164/2018, judgment on 30.01.2019 held that, mere mention of a person’s name in a suicide note does not by itself prove that the person is guilty of Abetment of Suicide.

    Similarly, the Madras High Court in the matter of Manikandan Versus State, Criminal Appeal No. 142 of 2016, on 16.06.2016 held that ,  Court should not solely rely upon suicidal notes to jump to the conclusion that people named in the notes must by guilty of the offense of abetment of suicide, and further held that if a lover commits suicide due to love failure , if a student commits suicide because of his poor performance in the examination , a client commits suicide because his case is dismissed , then the lady , examiner , lawyer cannot be held to have abetted the commission of suicide

👩If wife or live-in partner is threatening to commit suicide with the intent to harm you & your reputation and forcing you to do the act which you legally not bound to do, then such threats are against the law and is called criminal intimidation, and hence you can file a case of Criminal Intimidation against her.

If she tries to attempt suicide or regularly giving threats to commit suicide then you can take divorce from her, because regular threats to commit suicide amounts to cruelty and a ground for divorce. 

    Supreme Court of India, in the matter of Narendra Versus K.Meena, (2016)9 SSC 455 declared that, Repeated attempts by wife to commit suicide amounts to extreme cruelty on husband and granted divorce.

    Delhi High Court in the matter of Smt. Kusum Versus Gurchanran Singh, judgment passed on 15 .11.2016 also declared that "Repeated attempts by wife to commit suicide amounts to extreme cruelty and granted divorce", and said that  No husband would ever be comfortable with or tolerate such an act by his wife and if the wife succeeds in committing suicide , then one can imagine how a poor husband would get entangled into the clutches of law, which would virtually ruin his sanity , peace of mind , career and probably his entire life. The mere idea with regard to facing legal consequences would put a husband under tremendous stress. The thought itself is distressing and hence this one event is sufficient for husband to get a Decree of Divorce on the ground of cruelty".

    However, A threat or an attempt to commit suicide is punishable offence under Section 309 of IPC, and this Section reads that Whoever attempts to commit suicide and does any act towards the commission of such offence , shall be punished with imprisonment for a term which may extend to one year or with fine or with both.

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